Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Fun....

Too bad Mike and I waited until the last minute to take Henry to Robinette's to pick his pumpkin.....the only ones they had left were small pumpkins for baking pies! Oops, we will remember to go earlier next year. But, as it turns out, pie pumpkins are the perfect size for babies!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10 Weeks Old

Yesterday was Henry's 10 week Birthday. We took him to the doctor's office on Monday, and he weighed in at 14 pounds and 25 inches! He is in the 95th percentile....which makes his dad proud!

I found a picture of Henry the day after he was born wearing the blue baseball was so huge on him back then, and now it barely fits. My little guy is growing so fast......

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Henry's Baptism

Henry had a big weekend.....he was Baptized on Sunday and we had a party in his honor. TONS of his relatives came in for the big event. My family came over from the Detroit area, Aunt Theresa flew in from Albany, Aunt Kate from Hermosa Beach, and Great Grandma and Grandpa Baugh drove up from Augusta. Plus we had all of our family that lives here in the Grand Rapids area, so he had quite a turnout! It was so great to see everyone!

For the Baptism, he wore the Christening gown that my Great Grandmother made almost 60 years ago. Everyone in my family has worn the gown. He looked like a little angel!

I have so many pictures from the weekend, I made a little slide show to make it easier to see them.

Monday, October 27, 2008

How 'bout them SPARTANS!!!!!

Henry's eyes were glued to the TV on Saturday watching his team bring home the win! Go State!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Riverside Park

This is where Henry and I go on our daily walks, and the colors are beautiful right now. We will miss this when the snow comes!
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Monday, October 20, 2008

Birth Announcement

Well, we finally have a birth announcement for Henry...not only did it take me forever to mail out, I didn't order enough!! I am going to get more on order, but in the is a virtual card!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Harvard Law called......

.....they want their top student back!

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Spit Happens

Maybe Henry spitting up on his brand new outfit was his subtle way of telling me he didn't want his picture taken today! Too bad for him, I did it anyway! He is such a stud muffin.

***The model is dressed head to toe in Children's Place, chosen by his stylist Andrew Kramer (also a longtime college friend), with the help of his assistant and better half, Sarah. All rights reserved. :)
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Henry's Livonia Fan Club

Henry has a lot of people who love him in Livonia!! Great Aunt Eileen, Great Aunt Rosie, Kelly, Matt, Melissa, Carter, Madison, Chloe, and even a little dog named Brandy:) We can't wait to come back and see everyone again......

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Future MSU Quarterback

Go State! The Wildcats are going down!

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can't Get Enough of Grandpa

Henry was lovin' life this weekend snuggling with his Gramps! It melts my heart to see my dad with him, I love to capture these moments. It reminds me what life is all about......spending time with loved ones!! Now if only they lived a little closer......:)
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Photo Shoot!

Poor Henry.....It's raining outside, we can't leave the house, and his mom was bored. So what does that mean? Time to dress him up and take a million photos of course! He is such a great subject for me to practice my photography on, and a good sport too! I think he is beginning to like and camera and ham it up like his mom:) I took these with my Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR....what a great camera, I would highly recommend it!
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Littlest Homecoming King

This weekend we went to Livonia to see Aunt Claire go to the Homecoming dance....she looked gorgeous! Henry wanted to be her date, and cried when he found out she already had one. It's probably for the best, he would have made the Homecoming King jealous with his devilishly good looks.

This is one of my favorite photos of Claire from the day.

Claire with her date, Johnny.

Henry with two lovely ladies, Claire and our cousin Rebecca (who doubled as the makeup artist for the event!)

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008