Sorry its been a while....I realized when I went to write this I have been slacking on taking pictures of Henry! Life has been a little out of control- I was in Germany all last week for work, so Mike and Henry were bachelors. I think they enjoyed the male bonding time! I am SO HAPPY to be back home!
Our new house is really moving along....we went tonight to take a look. It was only 4:30 and already dark, I will remember this next time I go to get pictures, sorry it is a little hard to see it.
Henry loves to be outside, even when it is cold out. Tonight we let him wander a bit and he ended up walking around the whole block...he absolutely refused to stop and even tried to push me back the other way so he could walk by himself. Quite independent!
He loves his chair! He likes to get a snack (here we let him have a whole apple which was comical to watch him eat at the time, and not so funny cleaning up) and sit and watch football with his Dad:) Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!