Sunday, August 23, 2009

Birthday Bash!!!!!

On Saturday, Henry had all of his friends/family over for his First Birthday Party! He had a great time. If you want to see more pics/video (warning....there are over 200....I know, we are OBSESSED!), click HERE

After the cake.... What a mess!

Henry in his new Tigers hat with his name embroidered on it!

The bounce house was a hit with all the kids....except Henry. It was a little overwhelming for him!

He enjoyed sitting on his "throne" directing all of the kids on which present to open up next, and there were plenty!

Someone was SPOILED!

Digging into his first cake!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

365 Days of Henry!!!!

Happy Birthday Henry! We love you!
Get this cheesy hat off of me!
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

We haven't spent as much time on out boat this year as we would have liked due to weather, but when we do get the chance, Henry loves it!
What a cute little boat body! The ladies love the pasty white skin....
This in Henry and his new friend Jaden at their cottage on Lake Michigan....this was probably the 100th time Henry recieved a bear hug from him. As you can see from his facial expression, he wasn't too sure about them!
Henry enjoyed watching his dad try kiteboarding from the deck....He also enjoyed the water, but after putting a few fistfuls of sand in his mouth, we decided the deck was a bit safer.
Always on the go! And don't try to stop him....he is quite independent!
Henry's signature pose while drinking from his sippy cup.....very dramatic, he always throws his head completely back to get every last drop!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting the band back together again......

The first time Graham and Henry were together they focused on perfecting the vocals........
But this time they added in the drums.
This garage band is ready to start rockin'!
Here they are on the keyboard, and of course, like all rockstars, always ready to pose for the camera......
Who wouldn't want to be this band's groupies?????
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Early Birthday Gift

Someone is already getting spoiled for their first birthday, and he hasn't even turned one yet!

It's been a while!

Sorry for the delay in posting!! We have been quite busy trying to enjoy the few good days of summer we have had. We also took a week long vacation up north to the cottage in Charlevoix....these are pictures from the beach at Antrim Dells on Lake Michigan.

Henry enjoyed dipping his feet in the chilly water!
Henry and Grandma at his Great-Grandma and Papa's house on Burt Lake.......
it was a picture perfect day!
He loved playing with the beach toys.
Grandpa LeBlanc and his is scary how much they look a alike!
Grandma, Aunt Kate, and Henry enjoying the boat ride down the Crooked River on the way to Burt Lake.
Eating some of Grandpa's black cherry ice cream on Mackinac Island.....
I couldn't resist getting a picture of this...
The happy little family on Mackinac....It has been a wonderful summer with Henry in our lives!