For those of you that haven't heard, the city of Grand Rapids has been flooded with sculptures, paintings, photographs, and every other art medium you can think of with ArtPrize....an open art competition offering the largest cast prize ever of $250,000. It is a unique event, which lasts through Oct. 10th, where ANYONE can register to vote and determine the winner. My company, Coalesse, has been a major sponsor of the event. Here, you see Henry at Madcap coffee sitting on one of our newest pieces from our outdoor collection, Ivy. I can't believe how amazing this event has been for our little city.....artists from all over the world are here, and the local businesses have been flourishing ....so much for the economic downturn! What a brilliant idea!

Almost anything goes as far as venues.....bars, sides of buildings, bridges....you really can't turn your head without seeing art somewhere!

Someone put a gigantic table and chairs over the Blue Bridge!

Henry, Kate, and I on one of the entries.....an over-sized park bench.

"Nessie" the Lochness Monster has invaded the Grand River.....

Henry in front of one of the 1,262 pieces of art! Come visit if you can!