Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby Frey is on the way!

My water broke at midnight! After over an hour of strong contractions, 5 minutes apart we left for the hospital. I got an Epidural at 5 am, epidurals rock! Here we are 11 and a half hours into labor and Baby Frey stills seems quite content. Baby Frey is currently "sunny side up" which is not ideal for delivering. If this baby doesn't rotate ASAP, he or she is grounded for life. We'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

OMG so exciting! Thank you for keeping us posted! I can't wait to find out if Baby Frey is a bouncing baby BOY or GIRL!

Annie Fedrigo said...

good luck jillian, i can't wait to hear the news either! and this blog rocks!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!!!!!!!! Hope things are going well, I can't wait to talk to you!

Anonymous said...

I am betting my money on a baby girl. A boy can't be this high maintanance.. Any updates since last night.. We are anxiously waiting.. Also which hospital are you guys at..
Sami & Alexis

Handy Cathy said...

high maintenance? little boys are slow to action, and definitely don't do what mommy asks them (the first 5 times) and THAT's why he's overdue! :)